Welcome to the melancholic composition that is the world of Aarron Laidig.
Here you will find the fruits of my labors.
Poetic vision brought forth from me to you.
Not just in prose my dear guys and dolls, nor verse form shall you be limited, but also from the tips of my paint brush, the point of my pencil, and the needle in my tattoo machine..
I hope you enjoy my site on some personal level.
Rather than just looking and saying cool tattoo, or wow - awesome painting.
Take some time and look a bit deeper because I have tried to give more than just a pretty picture in most cases.
It should be noted that my site often times dishes up a bit of content for the adults only crowd.
This site is not intended for children, and though I personally think it is fine for those in their late teens... I am declaring it off limits for those under eighteen years of age.
My own opinion may not mesh with that of whatever laws you may have in your neck of the woods, so please be aware of your local laws. If you are not an adult hit your back button and leave my site.
If you are an adult please enter the flow.
Artistic Flow Main Page
Artistic Flow Art Blog
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Other Stuff....
Artistic Flow.
Artistic Flow covers the subjects of my erotic art, traditional art, sketches, digital works, costume photos, poetry, and a bit of my babble.
For those who do not know me... I am a NW based lifetime artist.
Most of what you find here is NOT for sale. This is NOT my studio page or catalog.
Page contents and design copyright © 2013 Aarron Laidig. All rights reserved.