Female Saturation measures 20″ wide x 16″ high. The price for this painting is $650.
If you include the little figures / figurines in the picture I give it a number of ten female figures in this painting. Not bad considering it is just 16″ high x 20″ wide.
I enjoyed creating this one because it set a challenge for me, or maybe I set a challenge for myself.
I wanted to hang art on the walls that looked like my own paintings. I wanted the art to be representational of the scene, the figures in the scene, and keep the overall feeling of the painting. Why this was a challenge is because I usually have a lot of exaggeration in my paintings. My primary figures on the bed are exaggerated in the ways I usually paint… so I figured the paintings on the wall of my painting needed to be exaggerated at about the same level in relationship to the scene as the actual painting is to the real world. The paintings needed to be art on the wall as if I had stepped into my painting and hung it there. At least that is how I saw it.
Painting miniature paintings of my own art in my art was super cool. It put me in the scene mentally.