So I was looking up some crazy workout stuff and ran across a post on a strength / strongman blog with a picture of a shirt on it that I drew.
(Here is the post I found)
If you go to the original post and click the image you can see the shirt really huge.
I however shrunk it down,
and… here is the pic of the shirt.
Cool stuff. I actually like that shirt.
Sucky part is I drew it as a memorial shirt.
The phrase “Squat More” was a favorite of Jesse Marunde who passed away before his time and while a top contender for the title of world’s strongest man.
At the time of his passing he was a regular client of mine and was in my studio pretty much weekly.
The shirt design was drawn in a style he would have requested and liked.
I know that because we had been talking about making shirts in general before he died.
Anyways… it was a cool surprise to run into the image online.
R.I.P. Jesse
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