I was messing around with water soluble oil pastels the other day.
Messy little things to say the least.
I ended up making this…
Me and water media don’t get along, but me and a double BJ do, so I guess this messy sketch/painting falls someplace in the middle of sucky and O.K. (pun intended)
I started with a loose sketch done with a sharp graphite stick and then enhanced it with some charcoal before going in with the pastels.
I then messed around with some wet tissues, played with the water soluble oil pastels some more… attacked with a paint brush, and then scraped it up with some charcoal again. (that didn’t work very well)
Lastly I sprayed the whole thing down with a mist of water and pressed it with paper towels.
It wasn’t exactly what I’d consider as fun as a double BJ, but it was a fun experiment.
I will be playing with these water soluble oil pastels a bit more in the future for sure.
(hopefully with better results)
You can click the picture to see the piece a bit larger.