Title = “A Raven’s game”
The original painting is 12″ wide x 16″ high on stretched canvas.
(click – HERE– or the pic to see it larger)
This is one of those paintings that just kinda swept me away.
I had a lot of different things going through my head and allowed them to to just flow and manifest themselves however they wished.
I also let the composition change itself throughout the painting process from my original sketch into something very different.
The overall feeling of the painting became very surreal and pulled me in as went with it.
I love painting in that manner.
As for meanings, symbolism, etc… I leave that up to you the viewer.
Art is an experience that should be personal.
Giving you my thoughts and reasons for a creation taints your experience.
My hope always is that a viewer gets a bit of what I am saying in a painting.
I want a viewer to be able to feel a bit of what I was feeling.
Never do I expect you (the viewer) to see, feel, think exactly what I did.
Like every other experience in life… art is consumed differently by each and every individual.
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