Dirty Show 14 and glass vs acrylic   Leave a comment

So I just got this all framed up and sent out to Dirty Show 14, which is an annual erotic art exhibition held in Detroit Michigan.
This show created by Jerry Vile (aka Jerry Peterson) the once editor of Orbit Magazine and singer for old-school Detroit punk band The Boners… claims it’s mission is to promote, publish and propagate erotic art in all forms.
Sounds awesome to me!

framed up art
I know it is a horrible picture, but if you want to see the art how it actually looks you can check it out here from my previous post about it.

Anyways… off it went.
I procrastinated a bit on framing it and sending it out, but no so much as last time I sent a framed work on paper to an art show.
To freshen you mind you can read my procrastination and haste post from last October.

Like last time however i chose to risk glass with this one.
Unlike last time I bundled it VERY well before shipping it off.

I just hate the look and feel of acrylic on art like this.
I know I should be using Plexiglass instead of real glass when shipping my ink & watercolors framed, but it seems wrong.
It cheapens them to me.
It is odd that it does, because good acrylic is more costly than actual glass.
That seems to not help my brain though.
Glass is class.
Plastic sucks.
At least when it comes to framing.

Prints of Demeter in the view of mortals are available HERE via Fine Art America.

Posted January 18, 2013 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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