Another one of my random tattoo phone pics for ya all.
This one is actually recent too.
I think it was maybe a month-ish or so ago, but time is always blurry to me so I’m saying three weeks to three months.
It was on a local gal from here in Port Angeles whom I have tattooed before. (though it had been a long time since I last tattooed her)
She supplied the design and I just pretty much copied as it was on the paper she brought in.
Don’t recall where it came from, but I think it was from one of those tattoo design sites that try and sell tattoo designs to bring to your tattooist.
Those sites annoy me.
I feel bad when people actually pay for the stuff.
Better to just bring in a bad print from the free peek than pay people.
Any tattooist can see what it was supposed to be from that and draw it up from the free sample version.
Main reason I don’t like those sights btw is because most I have seen are selling art they have no right to sell anyway.
Not all, but most.
Anyways… tattoo shown above (you can click the image to see it bigger) was a quickie and done on the gals forearm.
Simple black-work floral with tribal embellishments.
I think it fit her personality and look very well so I liked it.
The client was nice and chatted about a lot of different things including quads which I don’t ride.
Cool gal. Cool clients make for good days at work.
I took two pics with my phone and this is the one that looked best.
You can check out more of my random tattoo phone pis HERE.
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