Title = Blue Evening
This painting was originally painted for an art show that I pulled my paintings from because the guy in charge was a jerk and changed the gallery take in a huge way at the last minute.
The show theme was “Queer erotic art.”
Think I had a great painting for it in Blue Evening.
I did this in my pop cubism style with a very limited pallet.
I wanted simple and to the point, but also wanted to cast a bit of feeling and emotion into it.
Creating an emotion or feeling is easy when getting detailed with subject matter, but when you cut down the artistic resources to the point of simple lines, limited colors, and just a couple types of strokes with the brush it becomes a challenge. The challenge is basically the same one a poet faces when trying to convey a story in just a few lines.
Basically the goal is to say as much as possible with as few words as possible.
Here I have attempted that with paint.
I hope that for some of you I have succeeded and this painting evokes something from within you.
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