Contemplating   Leave a comment

Title = “Contemplating”

Painting title contemplating

This is one of those “less is more” type paintings.
Sometimes for an artist the hardest thing is to just stop painting.
When a painting happens in just a few strokes and everything within you is saying “It is done,” but the craftsman in you wants to flesh it out and add details a war happens.

Over time we who play with paintbrushes and canvas learn that to give in to the need to keep picking will more than likely bring our work to ruin, yet still we often give in.

In this case I was able to control myself.
I let her be what she was without attempting to alter and add to her in any way.
I let her maintain her dignity and beauty without marring her with my personal needs.
How I wish I was able to control myself in that manner when it comes to other aspects of my life.
How I wish I could do that in the case of women in general.
To let her be. To let her think, wonder, dream, exist… without throwing in my taint.

Prints are available via

As always… click the pic to see the painting larger.

Posted May 30, 2013 by Aarron in Random Paintings, Yabber Jabber Blabber

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