Bad Cherry   Leave a comment

Tattoo styled artwork of a pinup nature with a bit of a twist on the cherry girl theme.
I call this one “Bad Cherry.”

Bad Cherry Tattoo styled pinup girl with a worm
(Just click the pics to see them larger)
Not all cherries are created equal.
Not all anything is really created equal.
I think we all get a good helping of equal at birth, but by the time we are adults some of us have strayed far from the path.
Like a cherry on the tree, some get a bit to ripe. Some get shriveled up. Some cherries die early and others seem to take forever to be ready to pluck.
Some get worms.
Sometimes we don’t notice those worms until we have bitten into the fruit.
That sucks, and once we have bitten in we can’t undo the deed.
Hopefully you didn’t swallow before you noticed that your lovely red cherry was hiding a worm within.
Hopefully you noticed in time to spit it out and go on to another cherry.

Most likely though… spit or swallow… it has made you a tad nervous about the next cherry you decide to pluck from the tree.

For those who are missing it, I am (and it should be obvious) comparing girls and cherries.
Even the most beautiful and perfect looking girl may hide some fucked up shit within.
Then again, sometimes we bite into a so so looking cherry that we almost tossed away to find it tastes delicious.

I’d best shut the fuck up now before I write 500 words about judging books by their covers.

So… besides just being a cool bit-o-art to gander at, I also uploaded a version to my phone fun section of RedBubble. Shirt version too, but I am more into the phone cover use with this version of the art. Check it HERE.

Bad Cherry iPhone cases by Aarron Laidig

My next stop was Society6 where I did some uploads (with various modifications) to make throw pillows, shirts, cases, etc…The direct link to Bad Cherry on society6 is HERE.

I really liked the hoodie.

Bad Cherry Hoodie

Now I am assuming if you are reading what I am writing at this point you also read what I wrote along with the images.
(click the pics to see them larger if you can’t read it)
Sales propaganda.
Buy my shit and send me money. That is the cry of the true American.
Capitalism rules beyond a doubt.
It has ruled artists for all recorded history.
I am not a salesperson. I don’t like the marketing part of being an artist.
Many years ago I never had to deal with it myself except to sometimes be a bit disgruntled with my agent or broker.
Now though it is all me. It is one of the prices I must pay for no longer playing the art game even close to the rules.
Self promotion they call it. I wish it wasn’t so, but it is part of the game and because of my refusal to play along properly I do suffer. I do just enough to get by. Just enough to support myself.
The truth though is that all I really want to do is make the art and let it sell itself.
I want people who buy my art to love it because they find something in it all by themselves.
I don’t want them to buy it because I talked them into it or made them think something they naturally wouldn’t. Fuck the art sales propaganda.
Truth be, I don’t even like titles or explanations of art. I’d rather the viewer create even those.
That is especially true with my fine art. If I could get away with it I would sell my paintings without titles and have the original purchaser of the painting give it the title.
That would have a beauty in it that titling my own works never can.

So… for those of you who have allowed me to feed myself and my family through my art while requiring of me very little to no sales bull… once again I offer you a heartfelt thank you. Without you who buy my paintings, prints, and photos, without my photography clients, tattoo clients, and the occasional odd commissions I would be forced into either playing a game of sales and promotions beyond my liking or have to finally put my paint brushes away and try my hand at a non art job which I would undoubtedly fail at.
I am a creator of images. That is my calling. You who have my work are the ones who allow me to follow my calling.

As for sites like Redbubble , society6, and Zazzle… let me just say that I am not getting much out of them financially yet.
They are a new hobby for me that I hope pays off eventually at least in a small way. As of currently though I would need to more than triple my sales on such sites to have it get me close to what is minimum wage in my state (Washington) for the time and effort involved. So… because it is a hobby and doesn’t really make me much money I feel a bit better about tossing out a tad of sales propaganda for it than I would for my real art.

Posted August 1, 2013 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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