Bridesmaid in Reno   Leave a comment

“Bridesmaid in Reno”
That is the title of this one.
It is a small painting measuring 11″ wide x 14″ high.
The big saying is “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” but I have found that even more true of Reno.
Without all the mega dazzle of Vegas… Reno seems to make some gals just kinda drink and socialize in ways they wouldn’t otherwise, even in Vegas.
Bridesmaids are sometimes a trip when it comes to bachelorette parties. That is especially true in the above 30 years of age crowd and we can put a bunch of whipped cream and a cherry on top if the bridesmaid is either recently divorced or has been married a long time and rarely gets a night out with the girls.
Jekyll and Hyde to the tenth degree on personality changes are not uncommon when a gal finally gets what feels like some freedom once copious mounts of alcohol are introduced.

Bridesmaid in Reno Painting by Aarron Laidig

How do I know all this you may wonder?
Well… besides having spent many a wild weekend in Reno just for the F of it, and also having lived in Reno for a while… (so yes I have some personal experience with these crazy gals) I worked Security for a Casino when I was super young for extra income. I wasn’t always able to survive off of art alone. In my teens and early twenties I had to do a lot of things to support myself in a manner I was digg’n. Playing the starving artist may sound romantic, but I liked to gamble, drink, go to clubs, meet and befriend hotties, etc… That doesn’t work out well when you can barely afford food. I also had a son to raise. It isn’t cool to throw the romantic notion of young starving artist onto the offspring. I figured spoiled and has everything a kid would want was a better rout. So… side gigs when young was the way of it. Mostly I did Security type jobs of various sorts. My graveyard gig when I lived in Reno was the lowest paying ever of those gigs, but super easy and non dangerous.
It was crazy interesting however and dealing with the fallout of nights gone crazy was part of it.
Bridesmaids… Usually married or freshly divorced… Oh could they create a bunch of regrets and a bunch of drama in a short period of time.
Just like Vegas though… What happens in Reno stays in Reno. The exception being is if they piss off the other bridesmaids or the bride herself.

Here we go.
A bridesmaid in Reno.
The crazy lights out the window when intoxicated and the spinning thoughts of what has already played out.
It is all good though, nobody will know.

I’d recommend getting this one as a canvas print, but I appreciate your art love no matter how you give it.

You can also expect a SEXY SIZZLE shortly from this painting. While painting this I was planning a Sizzle the entire time that would exemplify the feeling of casino lights while under the influence or just coming down from it.
I thought of going sparkly with the original painting, but such trickery seems to cheesy, and I couldn’t make myself do it. I shall with a sizzle though. Sizzles are not held to such rules. They are anarchists within the world of erotic art. They give the finger to anybody who considers their existence as works of art to be obscene. They have no regrets and make no excuses. They are the bridesmaids who go home and say “Guess what happened?” and then soak up the aftermath like a cactus soaks up the sunshine.
So don’t forget to look for the sizzle version HERE.

Posted November 24, 2014 by Aarron in Erotic Paintings

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