Developing Triumvirate is the title of this one.
It measures 16″ high x 20″ wide. Acrylic on canvas.

You can get prints of this painting HERE.
A remixed version can be found HERE which I am actually not sure I liked at second look. When I completed it I felt satisfied, but looking later I became iffy. I have however learned that my own tastes don’t always match the tastes of you (the viewer) so I am leaving it as is.
The working title for this was “becoming a throuple.”The original intent was to portray the mingling in of an individual who ripens into an existing situation with the result of a position of equality. As timing can be serendipitous it amused me that just after completing this painting I ended up having a conversation with someone about marriage equality. They are of the mind that allowing men o marry men and women to marry women is the end-all of marriage equality so it has in many places been achieved. My take is that anybody should be able to marry anybody they wish and it should not be up to anybody else except the parties involved. That would include groups of people marrying eachother and it would include people wishing to marry more than one partner as individuals who don’t necessarily need be involved with the other partners. In other words, Jill can marry Susie, Frank, and Bob, but that doesn’t require Bob to marry Frank or Susie. The setting up of such marriages would be no more complicated than business arrangements when it came to liabilities, responsibilities, and assets so those arguments against are a moot point. Basically, the entire argument at this time when someone doesn’t wish others to partner up in such a manner is that it doesn’t seem like something they personally like. I don’t like the patchouli scents so popular with some people so I don’t wear it, buy candles that smell of it, etc. That doesn’t mean I wish it outlawed. I just don’t partake myself. Live and let live is the way we should be.
Anyways, not that this painting had anything to do with legally allowing various partnerships in marriages to exist which are now outlawed, but it was meant as showing the idea of a single person who joins as an outsider into an established group becoming over time an equal part of that group. It is the after of meeting and participating, but before becoming type time. It happens. Our laws throughout the world view such things differently, but almost always they are not in favor of it.
So… again = Developing Triumvirate , once called in my brain becoming a throuple.
You can get prints of this painting HERE.
You can get a remixed version HERE.
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