This one took a while. Frigg’n honeycomb… ugh. I also lost the feeling I was working with mid-way on the thing because of other non-art distractions messing with my brain. That caused a bit of a break because it was important for me to have the proper feeling represented. Gotta feel it to make it legit. The paint will tell if the emotion isn’t there.

Devine love, the manifestation of accepted objectification, adaptation, and harmony are all in place. The consequences of such a meeting of souls are unknown yet accepted. All is here, sweet and sticky like the honey, designed in accordance with nature like the honeycomb, destined to happen under the watchful and merciless eye of Fate herself.
I’m sure many of you who follow me (and my art) regularly have noted the mandalas in this slowly moving series of paintings.
If you are not aware of what a mandala is I will say that a basic description would be that they are a graphic depiction of the spiritual universe along with it’s infinite realms and deities. They are geometric designs that are symbolic of the Universe itself. Mandalas are not sacred unto themselves, but help bring us to sacred places and to hold onto our sacred moments.
My use of these in this series of paintings isn’t a singular thing. The simple mandalas I use convey various things related to the feel and purpose of each painting. As the paintings are focused on couplings of lovers in various ways I am also in each case bringing forth the idea of a deity being present. I consider the dance of lovers to be an unspoken but at the same time very loud mantra. The repetition of a mantra with the help of the mandalas brings forth the divine attention of something beyond our own souls. Deities if you wish… Your own spirituality or lack thereof can define it whoever you like. We are journeying from separate parts of a whole into completeness. Two become one, we meld into one core. The mandala represents this journey as well.
Again, these have multiple uses in this series of paintings.
Finally, on the topic of these mandalas being present in the paintings, I will mention that in all cases they are simple. More of a yantra than a mandala in the visual application. I can’t get into the difference here as it would take too long, but if you have an interest I would encourage you to look up mandalas and yantras to educate yourself on the topic. In my case I chose the simplistic forms and colors because I wished to express a bit of an idea that a dream, a hope, a wish could be a reality lived. It is something lived rather than just witnessed or experienced in a spiritual sense.
Obviously I’ve babble overly long.
If you would like to get a print of this painting you can do so HERE via Pixels / Fine Art America.
You can also get some small really nice prints HERE on Saatchi Art, but smaller.
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