In general, I don’t like to explain a painting. Talking about art processes and such is cool, but to explain what a painting is about ruins it’s mystery. It takes away the viewer’s ability to make up their own ideas and decipher it in a way that has meaning to their own journey and position within the world.
In this instance however I feel I must do some explaining because otherwise a majority of my followers here will have absolutely no clue what this little painting is about, or even worse they will have it completely wrong in a way I would be annoyed with.
So… a telling of most of my meaning shall be included.
Skip it if you like, or read up and see what you think.
A Chary Vixen

Prints are available HERE.
First I’ll rip apart my title… A Chary Vixen. The working title was “the anxious vixen” or “Her first time.”
To be chary is to be cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something. That is it’s basic principle. It is also to be skeptical, anxious, or worried… often it is based in selfconsciousness or lack of confidence in certain circumstances. That is the case here.
Ready for a long bit? Hope so…
A Vixen is in certain circles a descriptive slang word for a sexy married woman who has sex or performs sex acts with other people at the request of and for her husband who is in those same slang circles called a Stag. Theoretically actually being married isn’t a 100% requirement, but that is usually the case. The Vixen is part of a committed couple.
As a Vixen her Stag is a gatekeeper. He either sets up or approves of everything she does. In that sense the Stag holds dominance over the Vixen. In many cases the situation calls for the Vixen to relinquish all in that regard. Her Stag is able to basically request she do anything and she will.
It should be noted that this type of dynamic is formed consensually with both people and that agreements, rules, and boundaries have been laid out beforehand. Without that it obviously wouldn’t work. He gets to play boss with what she has allowed him to play boss with.
Vixens are not usually fully submissive to their husbands either even in play. He may be the gatekeeper and make the decisions in type of and frequency of play, but she is his queen. Part of what makes the dynamic so interesting is that the Vixen must completely trust her Stag. She must know that her Stag is hers and for her in all ways. This allows the Vixen to be confident and feel sexy. It allows her the ability to know that she is truly in charge. Note that in charge part.
Stags are usually dominant personality type males. What is commonly called Alphas or Super Alphas. Some would argue that ‘Omega Male’ would fit better as a lot of Stag husbands are more introverted than the average alpha type and also more prone to shun society’s rules, but that is an entirely different topic. Alpha or Omega… they in general are in charge and do as they please types. Anyways, the average Stag possesses confidence, usually are highly successful at whatever they do, and are when wanting to be so what is commonly referred to as “ladies men.”
So why does this guy want to see his gal do these sexy things? Well… The Stag has in a sense been tamed by his Vixen. He is by choice no longer a ladies’ man because he feels he has found the best of ladies. He may still have an interest in others, but it has been diminished because of this woman he has focused on. He mentally and emotionally puts her on a pedestal. Though other women may be fun to him still, they cannot compare to her in his mind. Eventually, she slowly saturates every fantasy and idea. Or if not every, then most. His favorite porn star seems lackluster, the girl he always thought gorgeous that worked the desk at the title company now just seems kinda pretty. He can’t recall what was so great about anybody before her. His gal is what floats his boat. She is the sexiest thing on earth. He loves her. He wants her happy. He wants to look at her. Sex holds that. Add in particular little fetishes and major turn-ons and you get his desired play styles. Only she can do and if she is his vixen she is his personal porn star.
So why does the Vixen want to play?
You would think it was just for the extra or adventurous sex, but it turns out that is not the case.
Obviously the novel sex scenarios and pleasurable moments with others are a bonus for the Vixen, but it isn’t usually the primary reason.
Usually it is mostly, but rarely only to please her Stag. She has a man who is completely devoted to her and who in all other regards is considered dominant, but who has bowed down to her and her alone. The Vixen is very pleased with that and though she rarely will express it, she feels very lucky and sometimes even unworthy of such devotion.
That she basically wishes to please her stag in whatever manner she can makes sense as she knows he wishes o please her. It is a giving relationship in both ways.
Since she trusts in her stag she knows that her Stag wishes her joy and comfort so she also knows she is not just allowed, but encouraged to enjoy herself fully. Always she has her Stag to make things safe and give her confidence.
She then feels lucky again because she has better than the best parts of being single, and better than the best part of being in a traditional mundane fully monogamous relationship. It is a win-win.
Lastly a note on this dynamic in regard to monogamy.
Some Stag and Vixen couples never play or even really flirt with others when apart, so those couples like that still consider themselves to be monogamous. Their mindset is that they are having sex with each other and the other people who they bring in just for physical sex are similar to props and toys. They have no relationships with these people. It is fantasy fulfillment and playtime only.
That is not always the case with every couple obviously.
I should mention here that these people who are invited in for sexual play if male are often referred to as Bulls.
I’m going to skip the briefing on that as it seems pretty obvious as to where the slang term derives from and their part in these scenarios.
Don’t take the above description as the end-all of Vixen Stag dynamics.
The various relationship dynamics within Vixen and Stag couplings are as varied as within every other sort of coupling that exists.
O.K. So that was the briefing on what Vixens are.
Now to the painting itself. A Chary Vixen
Tearing apart my own painting is odd… I’ll give you only what is necessary for understanding which is maybe a quarter of the deciphering I could do.
The Vixen figure herself… she is all there, but a bit translucent, a bit of transparency to her as it hasn’t happened yet, and because she is still in fantasy mode, it isn’t fully real to her. At the same time, it is real. This is why you can’t see through her to the male figure. She covers him. The dreamy surrealism of the situation has her someplace in-between. Her arms are back touching her husband as he disrobes her. She is getting security and assurance that all is well from this.
The expression was meant to convey a lot of things which once I started working on I found very difficult. I wanted to show that she was chary. Anxious and excited, filled with nervousness, but still enthusiastic and assured because of her Stag. Not sure what I achieved, but the chary came through enough to make the idea work. I’ve not painted a fox’s face in probably 15 years or more. It was not one meant to have a human expression when I did. I’ve had to draw maybe 20 or so foxes in that time for other work, but all smaller and again without them needing to show any sort of human emotion or similar. Painting isn’t drawing either. Very different as a matter of fact.
I usually talk of style and such… I’m finding it hard not to do so instead of the subject matter.
The Stag… he disrobes her while closing against her. He is naked and exposed first, he is flushed pink with desire and anticipation. She can hear his breath, her head is turned to do so. She knows she is loved and idolized. She feels his excitement and it increases her own.
As mentioned earlier I am giving maybe a quarter of it, just what was definitely needed to set the scene. I’m to add one bit I otherwise wouldn’t have though because someone mentioned it when seeing the art on its completion. It stood out to her.
Even though I don’t think it is necessary for the basic explanation of this painting I’m sharing this bit… The angle, coloration, shape, and exaggerated size of the forehead was done to symbolize and bring to mind a phallus in it’s most excited state. These are little gems I hide throughout all my work. Not phallic symbolism and such, but little extras that have or add meaning to a piece when studied. It was not necessary to share that one in this case however so I hope Mrs swollen pink forehead noticer is happy I mentioned it here.
The bull… he is where I started. As in real life, without the bull there is no surreal moment, it is in this painting that without the bull there is no story.
The bull waits, he is in that background waiting, posture relaxed, but ready. The expression is the same, and he kinda blends into the background at this point in the story because the action has not started yet. Unlike the Vixen I could not make him translucent completely because it isn’t a dream moment for him like it is for her. He is more solid, but he isn’t completely formed either. He is becoming more real as the moment approaches.
and… that is enough of that.
Prints of this painting can be had HERE via Pixels Fine art America.
After all that writing about Stags and Vixens I really hope a few of you buy prints. That was the most writing I’ve ever done on a painting post I think.
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