The Devine Nelumbonaceae
di·vine1 /dəˈvīn/
1. of, from, or like God or a god / goddess – holy devine worship.
2. INFORMAL = excellent; delightful.
or better known as ‘The Sacred Lotus’ is a mysterious flower to be sure.
Very few plants have as much symbolism and mythology attached to them.
Many Eastern philosophies/religions/myths look at it symbolically as something representative of symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth.
It is in a sense a water flower version of the phoenix bird in that sense.
If ypou look it up on Google the first thing it will tell you is that its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.
Think on that analogy when considering the eastern miths. Purity…
Taoist long ago refered to female genitalia as the “golden lotus” which is the sacred lotus.
I’ve played the sacred with the sexual with the water a bit in this one.
It was done as an inspired piece. Sexual, and yes holy. Something sacred to myself worthy of devine worship.
I hope you like it.

If you would like a print of this painting you may get one by following this link to my pixels gallery via Fine Art America
I highly recommend a canvas print for this one. They are a bit pricey in comparison to various papers though, so if you are digging this and don’t want to shell out for a canvas print don’t let my recommendation dissuade you.
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