Some people are born without the natural restraints most people possess when it comes to their desires. They are hedonistic by nature, often epicurean, decadent, and selfish in their pursuits. Moderation is unnatural, and conformity is something they sneer at. Such souls often look at the average folk living in the grey zones of life as the walking dead. People alive who dare not live for fear of what people who mostly don’t even matter in the end will think of them. Those walking dead see the self-indulgence of the libertine and ofttimes feel a combination of both jealousy and contempt.
How though do these unsavory, and oh so licentious souls see themselves though?
They for the most part feel they are better than those living in the grey nothingness. They also know that they themselves are dissolute.
Why though would one such as that wish to join the people who seem to be the walking dead? They wouldn’t, and besides… they lack control. It is their nature.
What though if something better comes along? What of love? True love conquers all it is said. True love, soul love, deep to the core love. It is an awakening. It causes a metamorphosis. The voracious sensualist becomes something new. This happens because such love brings enlightenment.
So here it is…
Bestowing metanoia to the licentious

If you dig this painting you may purchase prints via PIXELS Here.
After my last post I am supposing that some of you may wish this painting dissected and explained the way I did for A Chary Vixen, but that was pretty much a special circumstance deal. I’m back to NOT doing that. If you’d like to know about the starry night, the crystalized mandala, types of flowers, etc… get to googling or better yet you could use your imagination. Art isn’t meant to be fully explaied. Paintings, sculpture, dance, works of fictuion, music… let it move you and worry not of the artists details.
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