Everyone has their little turn-ons and turn-offs. Sometimes a turn-off can be a turn-on with the right people.
Foot fetishes are very common. Having a fetish for a particular person can make a foot fetish exist only for that person. The power exchange in that can be immense.
The painting’s title expresses that idea in an obvious fashion. Originally I was going to call it something like tools of the tease, but it seemed a bit oversimplified.
A woman who has sexy or cute feet and a lover with a fetish for those feet or her, in general, possesses a set of tools that can drop him to his knees and make him lose all coherent thought… lust, desire, worshipfulness… all at her command.

I used a good five different painting styles all blended together to bring visual interest in an artistic manner. My logic-based reason was to pique interest in the painting even if the viewer had no foot fetish, hadn’t experienced extreme obsession for another, or maybe if the possessor of the beautifully shaped feet herself had never experienced either type. My non-logic-based reason was that I just wished to play with some blended styles. Basically F’n around with my paints and brushes. That honeycomb background was a time taker. An effort was involved. It was space out while listening to music effort though, so all is good. Prints of this painting may be purchased HERE via Pixels / Fine Art America.
The original has painted edges and is 16″ wide x 20″ high. It was painted with acrylic paints.
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