Some fun stickers with groovy lovey-dovey themes.

Key and heart with wings sticker can be had HERE.
This design and the other three I will show here are also available on hats, shirts, and a few other things, but I primarily was doing the sticker thing so that is what I’m mostly mentioning.
Who holds the key to your heart? Do you hold the key to someone’s heart? Hmmm… Power it is.

Let love grow wings… two caterpillars meet and together they know their future will be beautiful. Beautiful like floating on the breeze as butterflies with pretty wings.
You can get these cute caterpillars as a sticker HERE.

Love and faith pouring onto a broken and bruised heart to heal it. Yes, love and faith can heal a broken heart. If only we could buy it in a bottle.
You can get this sticker HERE.
Alrighty, three is a charm. Happy vibe lovey-dovey stickers for you. Get them and stick them on stuff. Seriously… not kidding. Buy a sticker and stick it on something. Don’t just toss it in a drawer. Use the glue on the back to adhere it to an item and make that item cool. Spread the good vibes. Lovey-Dovey Vibes!
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