Just relocated my studio in Port Angeles. Still in the process actually, but work must go on… starving artist life and all.
I also reinstated my piercing license recently specifically so I could teach someone to pierce. It took her a few years to talk me into it, and basically, she succeeded only because she is my best friend. We are talking about many years of best-friend status too. I’m not easy to persuade. I’m basically just about making pictures these days.
So, I today decided to make a picture that was piercing-related. Wanted it G-rated because thought I’d make shirts from it.
What to do? No clue. Decided to rando hit up google images like I was a client looking for inspiration. Tried looking up things that’d mesh with her (the one learning to pierce) and I. Seriously started feeling frustrated and kinda started flipping through images quickly and super randomly to see if anything caught my eye.
I know… not very Aarron-like. I’m full of ideas and if referencing images at all they are almost always my own. Eventually settled on a few to look at. Moon stuff, tattoo stuff, a fox that was drawn sweet… I quickly sketched it out on a small canvas and then took it to my painting room. Goodbye references. That turned out a mistake because later I went to look again and realized I’d not saved images, just looked online during the sketch and then closed windows. Oh well… better left to the fates. Too much referencing makes for lazy art and similar imagery. This way it took a life of its own. My goal was kinda tattooish, kinda painterly, and a bit mystical with a piercer focus.
Think I nailed it.

Anyways, You can get prints of this HERE.
You can get a shirt HERE.
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