Shot through the heart… love is the bearer of the most brutal of arrows.
It comes from nowhere, takes us unawares, ensnares us, and sometimes takes root to begin growing.
Like all things that grow, that live… it is unstable and requires very specific things to thrive.
It must thrive and grow in certain ways too, equally… for if one side withers it takes it all down.
Ah, love.
Let that seed grow and take root in your heart and eventually, it must end. All things of this world end.
Anyways… this was a quick ink sketch on a 9″ high X 12″ wide piece of thick-ish paper that I decided to treat to a bit of acrylic paint and a tad of watercolor. It ended up mostly acrylic paint with very little ink or watercolor showing.
You can get this image as a sweet sticker HERE.
You can get it on a shirt HERE.
You can get it as a print HERE.
You can alternatively not get it at all.
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