I wish I’d taken a pic before I added Snake Eyes, Casy Jones, Shredder, and Storm Shadow. It was a great stand-alone piece before the additions, but I rarely take pics of my stuff anymore so I forgot.
Not that I don’t like the additions, as a matter of fact… Arnold Bernid “Casey” Jones is my favorite character in this lineup.
Just as a stand-alone without the additions, it’d have been a sweet pic. Now I must wait until it is all done to get a really sweet pic. My reason for posting it as is… felt I needed to post something, was the last thing I took pics of, and I find the subject matter really fun. I was a big G.I. Joe fan as a kid, and my son was a big TMNT fan, which made me end up being one as well.

So this is a pic of where I am at now on the project, we had a break so everything is many months healed out, and just after this pic was taken added outlines of Timber who is the wolf that hangs with Snake Eyes in the G.I. Joe world and a crocodile/Aligator combo critter which in the case of this tattoo kinda has double duty as the alligator with Croc Master in G.I Joe and TMNT character Leatherhead. An interesting thing about this combo look is when the action figure of Croc Master was sold it came with a critter resembling an alligator rather than a croc. Interesting to me anyways.
I know you all want to see the other characters…, maybe when I’m finished I’ll take pics from all angles. As for now, this will have to do.
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