This is one of my messy areas of creation as I am sure you can guess.
That little plastic pallet you see there is my favorite type.
I would guess I have about 50 of them.
I let the paints dry in them and just stack them dirty while working.
About once a week I clean them up.
Acrylics peel right off and I dump the little clumps into a bag and save them up for use in other types of art.
I used to use Styrofoam plates and just throw them away, but I realized I went through an awful lot of plates each year and that it wasn’t very friendly to the environment.
These things work much like little plates with the added cup sections.
I also have a few that are square, but I got so used to round the square ones drive me nuts.
I often hold them and turn them in my left hand while painting… and corners stop my flow.
Anyways… just had an urge to share my love of these stupid little (low cost) pallets.
They are available at pretty much any place that sells art supplies.
If you paint with acrylics and don’t use a wet on wet approach I suggest giving them a try.