A couple more random tattoo phone pics for ya…
First we have this back tattoo of some rose petals falling into a rose.
I’ve done so many roses of various sorts and styles over the years I couldn’t begin to guess how many I’ve done, but I think this may have been the first one I did where the petals fell into the rose in a manner that it was making the rose become full.
I have done the opposite many a time. The rose falling apart and the petals falling away or blowing in the wind type stuff.
I have even done the flower coming together (like this idea) with other flowers. Daisies more than a half dozen times at least for example. A rose however (the most common of tattoo flowers) I had never done with this theme.
Since it was a first I would have preferred to have done a more detailed and colored version if left to my own devices. A multi-session completely realistic one would have been awesome in my mind. As a tattooist however I am more of a service worker than an artist usually though… so client wishes, ideas, limitations, budgets, etc… rule my work.
I’m pretty sure I took a healed picture of this one as well, but no idea where it would be. I say I am pretty sure because I do recall seeing this healed and because it has a uniqueness to it in theme I assume I would have taken a picture. Never know though… I’m pretty random with taking pictures.
The fresh shot you see here was in one of my phone pic files from texting and was sent to a few people the day I did it. Sorry, but no cool stories I can recall about the text conversations.
Next we have this little Cheshire Cat tattoo…
Not an original theme here, nor a fancy version of it. This is as simple as you get when it comes to a Cheshire cat tattoo. I’ve done uncountable little Cheshire Cat tattoos over the years. Often it is the image of the cat only. Everything from smaller than a quarter to big ass fancy shit.
Often it is quotes from the Alice in wonderland movie along with his face or just the smile of the cat. (as seen here)
Sometimes when a quote is very popular for a long time and I have tattooed it multiple times it becomes annoying for me when people ask for it. I still do it of course as it is just my own deal and that quote may be the most important thing in the world for a client. It is a matter of personal tastes, life experiences, and how one relates to such things. What I love you may hate and vise versa.
In the case of the Cheshire Cat I happen to dig doing his quotes. Anything from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is cool with me. I dig the book and liked the Disney movies too.
For you weird trivia buffs I will conclude this edition of Aarron’s Random Tattoo Phone Pics with a tad of knowledge.
Many people think the Cheshire Cat is just a fictional creature from Lewis Carroll’s imagination. It is a real cat however.
It is a British Short hair Tabby Cat. The name comes from the Cheshire area in North West England. The primary gig for people in that area is dairy farming with a specialty of making cheeses. Due to the high availability of fresh cream the Cheshire cat is always grinning so the story goes.
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