I really had no intention of making any sort of posts for the rest of the month because I am extremely backed up on client art. Overwhelmed would be a better description.
I felt I must however make some sort of post today though because it is National Dance Day today and I have been doing a lot of dance themed art of late.
So… here it is.
Title = Dreams of the big city
It is (in the image shown) cropped to 11″x11″, but the original is actually 12″x12″ and on a stretched canvas.
I used acrylic paints. This was done in the style I like to call pop cubism.
My idea here was to portray the idea of a dancer who is heading off or dreaming to head off to the big city to become a star. The idea is that she will make it no matter what and her big dreams will become a reality. She will take the city and nothing can stop her.
I like such dreams. I love such dreams when people have the drive to make it really happen.
Yep… Dreams of the big city
You can get prints of this fabulous little dance themed painting via Fine Art America.
You can get an awesome remixed version via Society6 which is available as a poster , prints, throw pillows, clock, phone case, shirts, and more.
Via RedBubble you can see (and get if you wish) a more subtle and vastly different remixed version not just as a poster , but also on a skirt or leggings. Really fun stuff.
So… I took the time to remix and upload those images to the various sites and then to make this post on Artistic Flow when I really should be drawing like a mad man to catch up on my backlog.
My reason is not just because I have been doing a lot of dance themed paintings lately. It is because I very much enjoy watching dancers who have perfected their art. I find them magical and am sometimes awed by the amount of work many of these dancers have had to do to get to the level of dance they have achieved. I have much respect for the masters of dance.
That is why I decided I could not skip posting something dance related here on Artistic Flow today.
To all you who sweat daily to become such amazing dancers. Thank you. Your work is appreciated by many and I count myself as one.
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