Tutti Fucking Fruity Ice Cream cone tattoo done on a cousin of mine as a homage to her father’s humor and their relationship. Her father (My uncle) passed away and I gotta say this is a great one for him. He was overall one of my favorite people, and also a big stress causer on […]
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Tutti Fucking Fruity Ice Cream
I was attempting to put a full album together with the theme of personal demons. I have scrapped the album. I worked my way to six songs, but after listening to them all in a row I realized it was more dark than any sort of song collection I’d feel cool with putting out in […]
Just A Few Bones… Leave a comment
First the special cool deal for those that just are into the tattoos, and then I’ll tell you why at the end. So, stop in at at 719 S. Laurel in Port Angeles, WA. during consult hours or get ahold of me via my Tattoo Facebook HERE – https://www.facebook.com/redregiontattoos if you are into this one. […]
Random Cubist Raven Tattoo Leave a comment
It’s a random cubist raven tattoo.No particular reason to post it except I thought I should post something for some reason today. This was the first tattoo that popped up in the file I opened. I did a few of these recently. I enjoy them. They look cool, and I dig ravens and crows. Most […]
A blue Horse. Leave a comment
This is 9″ wide X 12″ high on paper. Painted with acrylic paints. Prints of this Blue Horse painting can be had HERE. Think it is around page 3 or so, I am too lazy to actually go to the site so I’m using that as an excuse to make you look at lots of […]
Logging Truck and style/technique blah blah Leave a comment
This is a few months old at photo time and I probably shoulda lotioned it before taking the pic. It serves it’s purpose though. Logging Truck obviously, cool one to do. Not very big. Totally liked doing it and glad I got to see the healed version. No grey washing on this, all was done […]
Pit Bull Blue Bubby Leave a comment
Another small 9″ wide x 12″ high cubism inspired animal painting on paper. This one is of my own dog. It’s pseudonym is bubby. That isn’t it’s real name. I don’t call bubby. My wife and my daughter call it that. You possibly really dig Pit Bulls, and this one is pretty sweet, so maybe […]