The Punisher (Francis “Frank” Castle) is one of my favorite Marvel characters. Basically, he’s an anti-hero… usually cast as an Italian-American, but not always… hardcore vigilante who employs mega violence to fight crime. This makes him a colossal criminal himself, but… he punishes the guilty. He’s ex-military / ex-cop… got crazy after his wife and […]
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The Punisher Leave a comment
Three Mouthed Bean Leave a comment
In an old lady’s garden where wonders amass,There once grew a bean, an enigma not to surpass,Three loud mouths it possessed, a curious sight,Polite, sarcastic, and rhymes filled to give fright. The mouth on top spoke with false gentle grace,Words of seeming humorous kindness, a warm embrace,“Good jolly day to you,” it sweetly sang,A melody […]
TMNT Raphael Mash Up Tattoo Leave a comment
I wish I’d taken a pic before I added Snake Eyes, Casy Jones, Shredder, and Storm Shadow. It was a great stand-alone piece before the additions, but I rarely take pics of my stuff anymore so I forgot. Not that I don’t like the additions, as a matter of fact… Arnold Bernid “Casey” Jones is […]
Foxy Loxy Vixeny Leave a comment
Foxy Loxy Vixeny blah blah blah Yup, and now you can get your very own blah blah blah foxy loxy for your bedroomy or bathroomy or kitcheny or livingroomy or wherevery you wanty by going HERE and spending just a tiny itsy bitsy of your money for the artsy. If you missed the link…. HERE.
Overthinking Leave a comment
In endless musings, heart begins to break, Thoughts swirl, relentless, now a stormy lake. Self-inflicted harm, to that fragile heart, An overthinker’s curse, tears it apart. Each worry a shadow, questions arise, A mind’s dark labyrinth, where solace dies. Scrutinizing choices, dissecting fate, Their thoughts, a cyclone, ever intricate. What if’s and maybes, a tangled […]
Some dumb limericks – artist themed Leave a comment
For the heck of it… Limericks become legit trash poems if you keep going with them as evidence of the above. Considering limericks are trash fun in their simplest form already, I suppose it is best to stick with the 5-line and done rule.
Farfalla Belladonna Leave a comment
Expressive painting encapsulated by defined lines. Style dictated by my decision to base the design elements on traditional American-styled tattoo art. Original is 16″ x 20″ on stretched canvas. I’ll skip the babbling about this one… You can get art prints of the painting HERE. You can get it as stickers, magnets, shirts, etc… HERE.