Just a scribble of a crow, or maybe a raven… they look the same unless I detail it out, and then only from certain angles and when doing certain things can those distinguishing details be made clear… yup. scribble scribble. Pigma pens on a regular sheet of 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Since crows and ravens […]
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Scribble Crow Leave a comment
Owl Leave a comment
Hoot Hoot
Triumphant Submission Leave a comment
24″ wide x 18″ high acrylic on stretched canvas. The title is Triumphant Submission. When I started it I had something in mind of a sexual rapture… It ended up sitting unfinished for 6 days between my first and second painting sessions on it though, and I guess my mood had changed so the painting […]
Wolfsbane pas de deux Leave a comment
Another one of my ballet-themed pieces for you ballet lovers… I’m calling this one Wolfsbane pas de deux. This painting is 16″ wide x 20″ high on stretched canvas. You can get prints of this painting HERE.
The Amethyst King Leave a comment
I love my crows and ravens. Here we have our black feathered friend with an air of triumph and majesty. He has found the shiniest of shiny things and is now a king of his kind. They do love their shiny things. Humans love their shiny things as well. We too look at each other […]
To still the rush of time Leave a comment
This one is 18″ wide x 24″ high on stretched canvas. Getting a little whimsical with my blending of surreal symbolism and expressionistic playfulness I guess. Anyways… You can get prints of this painting HERE. I recommend a canvas print for this one.
Cancel Culture and houseplants Leave a comment
Here I write this on the day 0f 3/26/2023… sitting in a chair in the good ole USA… Home of the free… Free? Hmm, I don’t know how well that is going. The land of “FREE SPEACH” is oozing over with a thing called cancel culture. Basically, this “cancel culture” has turned into a serious […]