Title = “The fruit of temptation” The forbidden fruit is a common theme in art. Painters, poets, musicians, sculptors… we all are drawn to the subject because it is a constant struggle in each of us to resist whatever fruits we believe to be forbidden. From Wikipedia: Forbidden fruit is a phrase that originates from […]
Archive for the ‘Random Paintings’ Category
The fruit of temptation Leave a comment
Girl with red hair in black about to eat a banana Leave a comment
Another one of my small sized banana eaters paintings. A girl with red hair in black about to eat a banana. You can click the picture (or HERE) to see it larger and read a bit about it. If you like this and haven’t been following the project you can follow along by going here.
Girl with a pink umbrella eating a banana Leave a comment
Girl with a pink umbrella eating a banana Decided to share another one of my banana eaters series paintings. It is a small painting, (as are all of the banana eaters paintings so far) and I actually had a lot of fun doing the braid. The girl who modeled for this one really has some […]
Girl in orange about to eat a banana
I went with orange and more orange for my second banana eaters themed painting. My reason was that I simply felt like it was an orange day. About midway through all this orange I started singing that children’s song that goes “I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays.” Of course it was the […]
The banana eaters series
I have finally started painting on my banana eaters series. My hope was to have been almost done with it by now, but I have had a lot going on and ended up letting this project simmer on the back burner so to say. Sadly because I have a lot of work and have paintings […]
Sugar Skull Leave a comment
Sugar Skull Day of the dead and tattoo inspired sugar skull painting. Part of my Red Region series of paintings. Click the image to see a larger version of this painting.
Fuck Face Leave a comment
Title = Fuck Face This painting was one of those magical creations that just happened on it’s own. I was just sketching on the canvas with a pencil until it was a huge mess and said to myself “fuck it,” and started painting over my mess. It morphed into this all on it’s own. I […]