It is an ax. It is night. The fire still burns. Acrylic on canvas. Super small painting. I self title this “axe” Part of a commissioned series called Kaskadia.
Archive for the ‘Random Paintings’ Category
Axe Leave a comment
Kaskadia Leave a comment
The was the first painting of the Kaskadia series. Take this as you wish because if I explain to much I think it would be ruined. Acrylic on non-stretched canvas.
Heart Leave a comment
Used and abused, with stitches over wounds that won’t ever heal. This heart burns above a fire in the dark of night. Tiny Painting with acrylics on non stretched canvas. Part of a commissioned series called Kaskadia.
Upward to tranquility Leave a comment
Inspired by the Upward Facing Dog yoga pose. Acrylic on stretched canvas painting. Upward Facing Dog is VERY good for keeping a healthy back. Other benefits: Strengthens the spine, arms and wrists. Stimulates the organs of the abdomen. Improves posture, by stretching anterior spine. Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen. Helps to relieve depression, […]
Yellow Jacket Leave a comment
Tittle = Yellow Jacket This painting is acrylic on canvas. I painted it back in 2004. Often I just start playing around with paint on a canvas and see what will happen. This was one of those cases. I have no idea what the subconscious inspiration was for this, but I really like it.
Tire Flip Leave a comment
Originally I titled this painting “The Tire.” I have found myself referring to it as “The Tire Flip,” and also “Tire Flip.” So I guess it has multiple tire tittles. This painting is inspired by the sport of Strong Man. I really enjoy watching strong man competitions if the competitors are of a high caliber. […]
Orange cars Leave a comment
Title = Orange cars Acrylic painting on stretched canvas This fabulously fun work of art inspired many a conversation and much speculation when it was hanging in my studio for people to see. Since I love such things I will leave you with that and let you ponder.