This painting titled “Ineluctable” is twenty inches wide and sixteen inches in height on a stretched canvas. It was painted with acrylic paints. I did this in brisk manner without much in the way of formulating before the paint hit the canvas. I had just a bit of an idea, and I must say I […]
Archive for the ‘Random Paintings’ Category
Ineluctable Leave a comment
The voices of past decisions Leave a comment
When I started this painting my working title was simply “inner dialog,” but when I stated this painting I also had no idea what I was about to paint. I know it would be me at the center, and I knew it’d be me in a hooded jacket looking out at myself which is also […]
Pimpelpaars rose bouquet Leave a comment
This paintings is 16″ wide x 20″ high. A plum color pervades, almost the color of a dark bruise. They are almost kissing, whether they are about to do so, do it at all, don’t, or have just completed the kiss is up to you the viewer. They themselves are part of this symbolic bouquet […]
Many Colored Tulips Leave a comment
This painting is 16″ wide x 20″ high, acrylic on canvas. It was painted with two brushes only as I was a bit lazy in grabbing what I really needed from one art area to bring to another. There is a lot of meaning behind this painting, but as I often do I am going […]
An Anguished Slumber Leave a comment
The first person to see this said “She looks like she is in pain.” I replied with “Life is painful.” She in turn said “Yes it is.” That was the entire conversation. This painting is titled ‘An Anguished Slumber.’ Life is pain, and painful things happen. The thoughts can consume us, and it for some […]
Green With Envy Leave a comment
This was painted on a non stretched bit of canvas measuring 20″ wide x 16″ high with acrylic paints. The painting was done with just a couple small brushes and is obviously in an expressive style. Unlike most of my work- this one was painted exclusively laying flat on a table. Kind of a pain […]
Incidental Congruence Leave a comment
Incidental Congruence is what I decided to call this one. The original is 16″ wide x 20″ high. The painting was done with acrylics on stretched canvas. Prints can be had HERE. I also created a kinda strange remix of the painting. If you dig checking out my remix stuff you can find that one […]