Another one of my messy mixed medium sketches featuring my favorite way for a friend to say they dig hanging out with me. Yes indeed there is no better way to say “Hey, I like you” to me than a nice BJ. I also appreciate it when my friends let me take fun little pictures […]
Archive for the ‘Sketchy Stuff’ Category
Girl with green panties bj sketch Leave a comment
A simple Sketch Leave a comment
Untitled Sketch 010720014-2 A simple little sketch done with ink on canson paper that I almost tossed in the garbage. I didn’t because I thought…. “hmm, maybe it is cool and I am being harsh on myself.” It went into a pile and after not seeing it for a while I decided I liked it […]
Steph’s Feet Leave a comment
Some guys have foot fetishes and some literally hate feet. I personally go back and forth, but always appreciate nice feet on a gal. Pretty feet are awesome. The problem arises for some foot fetishists though that many women with nice tootsies don’t get it, don’t get into it, and don’t understand it. The flipside […]
Amanda Removing Her Jeans Leave a comment
The post is called “Amanda Removing Her Jeans” because I liked this particular ink sketch enough to upload it to my sketch section on imagekind and needed to title it. Why I titled it that is simply because it is pretty obvious, but why I liked this sketch has nothing much to do with that. […]
Untitled Sizzle 12142013 Leave a comment
Another Sizzle to tease your eyeballs… This one started with a pen and ink sketch done in a style simalar to cross hatching, but way out of control and quick. The model was asked to move around while laying down. I was attempting to capture the sensation of her moving and wriggling without drawing in […]
Random figure sketch Leave a comment
I was sorting through a pile of ink sketches from last summer and came across this. It was from last July and in one of my “maybe keep” pile. The maybe keep piles are basically sketches that I am not 100% sure I will need as reference sketches for other art and that I am […]
Enveloped in you Leave a comment
Holding tight, your body against mine; threshold of consummation. Hearts beat, they are in time; utterly merged. Losing sight, the world vanishes; coalesced in passion. Your whisper, so soft in my ear; beseeching consummation. Now enveloped, succumbing to your wonder; nothing exists but you. In climax, with you the world; I wish to cease futurity. […]