Thought I would share this as it was a fun tattoo to do. What we have here (sorry the pic isn’t great) is a spidery ass kicking chick that has basically killed the devil and taken over hell. At least that is how I am seeing it. The client had a bunch of different references […]
Archive for the ‘Tattoos by Aarron’ Category
Hell Taker Leave a comment
Portrait of his dad Leave a comment
So… random share of a tattoo simply because I really liked doing the fuzzy looking stuff on the jacket. Remember when those types of jackets were the way cool thing to have? I had both a denim one and a leather one with that stuff in it. Wool? fake wool? I never wondered or cared […]
Mini Pinup Leave a comment
It’s a mini! You may click the pic to see it larger and read a bit about it. I apologize for the cruddy pic, but even with the advancement of cell phones it seems the cameras sometimes suck.
Mercy & Grace
Mercy and grace… From– mer·cy (mûrs) n. pl. mer·cies 1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one’s power; clemency. 2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving: a heart full of mercy. 3. Something for which to be thankful; a blessing: It was a mercy that no one was hurt. 4. Alleviation of distress; […]
Tattoos are an art-form that moves. That is one of the coolest things about it. Paintings and drawings are seen by many a person when hung in a gallery, and sometimes when shown in a private residence when the collector is social, but the audience is always limited. Tattoos go everywhere. People of all walks […]
Dwarf Tattoo Leave a comment
I have always enjoyed fantasy novels. Reading fantasy and sci-fi is one of my favorite ways to wind down at night before trying to fall asleep. So… when somebody comes in with a fun picture of a warrior dwarf they want tattooed on them, I am all for it. (Click the pic to see a […]
Foxy Vine Maple Leave a comment
Sometimes I get to do some very fun tattoos. Sometimes I have rock’n clients that always want really fun tattoos. The guy who has this is one of those people, and all his tattoos have been very fun to do. Basically he gives me his theme, his wishes as to specifics that must be involved, […]