Conjugated Mentation is the title for this one. It is a 9″ wide x 12″ high acrylic on non stretched canvas painting. Click the pic (or HERE) to see the image larger. I was reaching when I went for this. I had a basic idea of two women. They are in a deep state of […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Conjugated Mentation Leave a comment
The beguiling carnation sizzles Leave a comment
I had a certain sexual situation I was asked to portray in a sizzle. That situation was a white hotwife teasing a bull. A hotwife is basically a married woman who has sex with other men with her husbands full knowledge and usually in front of the husband. There are a lot of variations to […]
Bad Voices Leave a comment
Bad Voices. Some people suffer horribly with the thoughts in their heads. Dark thoughts or actual voices doesn’t really matter to the ones who can’t control their own minds and live in the darkness. It seems to me that most if not all people who suffer thus tend to at one point or another wish […]
Sparrow Rose one Leave a comment
A few months back I showed you a painting called Sparrow Rose Two. I mentioned that a painting was done a few years before that which I had titled “Sparrow Rose.” I’d planned on posting a picture of it, but I simply couldn’t find one. The actual painting is no longer in my possession so […]
Amanda Removing Her Jeans Leave a comment
The post is called “Amanda Removing Her Jeans” because I liked this particular ink sketch enough to upload it to my sketch section on imagekind and needed to title it. Why I titled it that is simply because it is pretty obvious, but why I liked this sketch has nothing much to do with that. […]
Untitled 10102013 Leave a comment
This bit of art is called “Untitled 10102013.” That is right my friends… I have once again not titled a painting. I shall not rant about titles today however. I shall let the subject lay low in the bog of my mind. So, without further adieu… Untitled 10102013 This painting is acrylic on canvas and […]
Bubble Wrap Leave a comment
Some more ink with watercolors here. This one was a pretty quick and simple ink sketch I did with just a tad of watercolor paint washed in to flesh it out. The idea was sex on bubble wrap. I went with a point of view blowjob type deal simply because that is pretty much my […]