The other day it was pointed out to me that a store across from my work had a used tandem bike for sale. I bought it. I bought it specifically to take a picture. Yes… it was purchased to be a photo prop. This is the result: (Click the pics to see them larger) I […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
YooHoo & Tandem Bikes Leave a comment
The weirdling flower child Leave a comment
This drawing was inspired by a girl I once knew. She was for all outward appearances a free loving and joyful flower child who worked at spreading the idea of peace, harmony, and a love of nature. Her flip-side was that her very harsh and messed up childhood left her with a deep depression she […]
On A Girl’s Freckles Leave a comment
Quick ink pen sketch done to make a point in conversation. You can click the picture to read about it and see it bigger if you like.
Unlucky with women Leave a comment
A lot of guys feel rather unlucky with women in one way or another. If not all the time, at least some of the time. Man’s ruin tattoos almost always have a woman at the center of the design. For many men it is simply getting chicks in general. For some it is holding them. […]
I’m all over Leave a comment
I recently started messing around with POD art sites. Cool and all, but just one more thing to keep track of. I can’t keep track of stuff very well because I have the memory of a goldfish. If you are not familiar with goldfish memories… let me say they basically keep their learned info in […]
Sexting Naughty Scribbles Leave a comment
I am a very visual person. I’m sure that is pretty obvious considering that I make my bread and butter through visual art. So… when I’m thinking sexy and have the urge to say something naughty via text to someone I usually have no idea what to say. Result = I say nothing. Sometimes I […]
Contemplating Leave a comment
Title = “Contemplating” This is one of those “less is more” type paintings. Sometimes for an artist the hardest thing is to just stop painting. When a painting happens in just a few strokes and everything within you is saying “It is done,” but the craftsman in you wants to flesh it out and add […]