So I am still having fun with POD sites and have uploaded a bunch of stuff onto Zazzle now. Well… maybe not a bunch, but enough that my profile isn’t bare. The coolest Zazzle thing to me so far is that they have coffee cups. Here is an example of one design done in two […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Zazzle & Coffee Cups Leave a comment
iPhone Fun Leave a comment
So I got a wild hair up my ass and actually decided to check out a bit. I have had an account there for probably around three years, but never actually checked it out or used it. Nothing ventured = nothing gained some say. So… I made some iPhone cases. Actually I just used […]
Creation can be so simple Leave a comment
I just thought it would be fun/different to show an example of how the conceptual stage of a painting becomes the finished work when things just go perfectly smooth. I will say however that it isn’t the norm. Most of the time I have a multitude of changes go on mentally before my original doodle […]
unSpoken Secrets Leave a comment
Unspoken secrets is the theme of this year’s Okanagan Erotic art show. The Okanagan Erotic art show is an international juried art show held yearly in BC Canada. If your into erotic art (and I assume you are if you follow Artistic Flow) you should definitely try and make it if you can. This is […]
Oil Pastels and figure sketching Leave a comment
I do a lot of sketching. Most of the time they end up going no place, but the exercise alone is worth it and often fun. Oil pastels are one of my favorite things to work with because the finished sketch looks very similar to the way I usually under-paint for my paintings. The process […]
Ayla Leave a comment
Odd story to this one. I have had this canvas floating around my life for a few years now. It has had a good half dozen paintings started on it I guess. Each painting that I started either looked like crap or I lost interest in it. Eventually I decided the canvas was cursed and […]
ME Leave a comment
I did this me because I don’t dig me and people keep making me supply images of me for art catalogs, bios, web portfolios etc… This one was for a book that goes along with an art exhibition. Along with showing the art from the exhibition they include a picture of the artists and a […]