I get some fun tips sometimes from my tattoo clients. Not that I don’t like cash. Cash is king, but other cool stuff gets thrown in there too. I dig it when people are thinking of me and get personal with their tipping. This month I have already received two groovy fun tips for my […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Fun Tattoo Tips Of January Leave a comment
Dirty Show 14 and glass vs acrylic Leave a comment
So I just got this all framed up and sent out to Dirty Show 14, which is an annual erotic art exhibition held in Detroit Michigan. This show created by Jerry Vile (aka Jerry Peterson) the once editor of Orbit Magazine and singer for old-school Detroit punk band The Boners… claims it’s mission is to […]
Me Me Me
Artist profiles on the internet always include a picture of the artist. People expect to see it and a few sites that promote artists even require it to set up a profile. I go along with it like the sheep that I sometimes am because it is what people expect. Some say that it helps […]
A Raven’s Game Leave a comment
Title = “A Raven’s game” The original painting is 12″ wide x 16″ high on stretched canvas. (click – HERE– or the pic to see it larger) This is one of those paintings that just kinda swept me away. I had a lot of different things going through my head and allowed them to to […]
Random tattoo phone pics Leave a comment
I don’t take a lot of pictures of tattoos anymore. The reason I got out of the habit is because I have been doing the tattoo thing since 1985 and the pictures just built up like crazy to the point I had no idea what to do with them. Yet… I find myself taking more […]
Having one of those days… Leave a comment
Having one of those days… weeks, months… Seriously I sometimes wonder if shit can ever just go smooth. Ball point pen and lots of scribbles to show just how I feel. Tear my own face off kinda day. This sort of thing is what I call 10 minutes or less art therapy. Usually it works […]
Solving The Puzzle 1 comment
Title = “Solving The Puzzle” For some women finding orgasm can be a bit elusive. Many women claim they can only achieve orgasm through masturbation, and even then in just one or a few ways. I have met lots of these women over the years. My belief is that it is always a mental block. […]