Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category

Old Sketch Books   2 comments

I was hunting around for some watercolor paper the other day and came across a watercolor sketch book from the mid 2000’s. It was just some random small book that I doodled in back then. I have always had such things as far back as I can remember and have lost hundreds of them over […]

My watch is dead   Leave a comment

My watch ran out of battery the other day. It is the same as dead now because there isn’t anyplace to send it off from here to the company to have the battery replaced. It is a titanium Seiko that is waterproof. It must be sealed at the factory. Can’t replace it (battery) myself. Need […]

Posted October 25, 2012 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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Procrastination and haste

I am an infamous procrastinator. My clients know and accept it. It does me fine when it comes to creating art. If I get down to the wire I just grab a pen (or whatever) and get drawing. It always works and sometimes actually gets those creative juices flowing at high speed. Sometimes though procrastination […]

Posted October 23, 2012 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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Spare time

I don’t have any real spare time. My need to do list is huge and I am always behind. Client art mostly, but other commitments and deadlines exist too. Still… one must take a break sometimes. One must doodle with no rhyme or reason. Let the ink, paint, pencil, whatever… take it’s own path and […]

Ambosia – A Job Well Done

I know this looks like a pen and ink with watercolor, but I actually used acrylics for it instead of watercolor paints. Though I titled the post as “ambrosia” it isn’t exactly a title. I just went with that thinking “food of the gods,” or “drink of the gods.” Take it however you want. The […]

Posted October 13, 2012 by Aarron in Water Media, Yabber Jabber Blabber

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Once Was Wicked

Going through some files the other day I ran into a bunch of fun old stuff. One thing was a bunch of banners for a section I used to have on AARRON.COM about 10 site versions ago. (O.k… exaggeration there, but it was few versions ago) The section was called “Wicked” and it featured digitally […]

Posted October 13, 2012 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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Jack & Zero do Vibrams

My son got these bright orange vibrams and thought they needed a bit of decorating. He asked for Jack & Zero. The color of the shoes and it being almost Halloween brought that on I am sure. Anyways… click the pic to see them a bit bigger and learn more.

Posted October 9, 2012 by Aarron in Yabber Jabber Blabber

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