I went with orange and more orange for my second banana eaters themed painting. My reason was that I simply felt like it was an orange day. About midway through all this orange I started singing that children’s song that goes “I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays.” Of course it was the […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Girl in orange about to eat a banana
The banana eaters series
I have finally started painting on my banana eaters series. My hope was to have been almost done with it by now, but I have had a lot going on and ended up letting this project simmer on the back burner so to say. Sadly because I have a lot of work and have paintings […]
Two Down On It
I was messing around with water soluble oil pastels the other day. Messy little things to say the least. I ended up making this… Me and water media don’t get along, but me and a double BJ do, so I guess this messy sketch/painting falls someplace in the middle of sucky and O.K. (pun intended) I […]
Storefront thingy on Imagekind
So I just noticed this new storefront thingy on Imagekind (where I sell my SIZZLES primarily. I decided to check it out and found it is pretty cool. Need to fiddle with it a bit… but it is worth checking out so I decided to share. Check it out HERE.
Little plastic pallets
This is one of my messy areas of creation as I am sure you can guess. That little plastic pallet you see there is my favorite type. I would guess I have about 50 of them. I let the paints dry in them and just stack them dirty while working. About once a week I […]
Sunny Side
Sometimes I sit around and doodle with whatever is closest at hand. This little doodle was done with some oil pastels and a bit of wax. I did it while watching a movie in the living room while my wife was doing some embroidery. My daughter is always making fun drawings and giving them to […]
Another promo image Leave a comment
Another fun promotional image for the site! Click the pic to see it full size. Here I used some digital manipulations to enhance a photo and add the text. Not much more to that story. Thinking of sweet ways to make promotional images is actually kinda hard for me. I don’t want them overly sexy, but also […]