I had to make a promotional image for my site. This is what I came up with. I thought it was pretty cool and fit the theme of what I am doing with with the site nowadays. I also made an alternate colored version. My idea here was to portray sexy without being over […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Promo stuff Leave a comment
Banana Eaters – Paintings Series Leave a comment
The Banana Eaters My latest and greatest (some may say odd) art project, and I need models. Looking for locals for this one. (click the pics) Here is what I need… YOU – dressed in something funny/sexy/goofy/odd/playful – whatever. Think of playing dress-up. Props are an added bonus. Express yourself. I am considering each […]
Pedilicious Leave a comment
Title = Pedilicious I painted this for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival which is going to be happening June 16-24, 2012. Actually I painted it because I wanted to, and when I decided to enter something for the juried show it was this I next painted. I had the show in mind however when I […]
It’s Happening Leave a comment
Title = It’s Happening This painting is 12″x16″ acrylic paint on stretched canvas. This is one of those paintings I prefer not to say to much about because I think it best for each viewer to get their own thing from what they see. I entered this one in Okanagan Erotic Art Show this year. […]
Why Red Region & Why Flow Leave a comment
I am often asked why I named a studio Red Region, and why even after closing the brick and mortar store I continue with it. The name Red Region came from a poem. It is one of my most beloved poems. The Mid-World by George William (“A. E.”) Russell (1867–1935). – THIS is the red, red region […]
Squat More Leave a comment
So I was looking up some crazy workout stuff and ran across a post on a strength / strongman blog with a picture of a shirt on it that I drew. (Here is the post I found) If you go to the original post and click the image you can see the shirt really huge. […]
Updated Imagekind Leave a comment
I updated my imagekind account for the first time in a few years. I’m feeling motivated. Two whole paintings went on it. Just a few hundred more works of art and I will be all caught up. (not happening) I tried a few different prints on demand type places between 2003 and 2005 and ended […]