I have been doing a bunch of timed ink sketches lately in a lot of different styles. This one was a scribble sketch done with a regular old ball point pen on a random bit of paper laying around. The pen actually started running out of ink after about a minute. The time on this […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
A three minute kiss Leave a comment
Getting Local and the internet Leave a comment
I was born and raised in the small town of Port Angeles Washington. It is a tiny place that was once a booming timber industry town. Nowadays it is a run down and poverty stricken place. It has never been an art friendly place. If you talk visual arts in this town you are most […]
A Minx Named Olive Leave a comment
When I was a kid I watched Popeye Cartoons like crazy. I’m guessing it was because of my grandfather. He loved Popeye and made a big deal about him. Like Popeye he fancied himself a sailor, and for a while he was. He also ran tugboats which is I guess a Popeye type gig. Anyways… […]
Girl with green panties bj sketch Leave a comment
Another one of my messy mixed medium sketches featuring my favorite way for a friend to say they dig hanging out with me. Yes indeed there is no better way to say “Hey, I like you” to me than a nice BJ. I also appreciate it when my friends let me take fun little pictures […]
Good girls ain’t wicked Leave a comment
I was sent this fun image by an acquaintance today. It was a lead in image to one of my long gone websites (which I have mentioned before on artistic flow) featuring one of my often said phrases which it seems has become a semi viral internet quote on and off over the years since. […]
The Sumatran tiger Leave a comment
The Sumatran tiger aka Panthera tigris sumatrae is the last of Indonesia’s tigers. Gone are the Bali tigers and Javan tigers from the earth because of another predatory species called man. With just over 300 of these creatures left on earth the future of the Sumatran tiger hangs on a thread. The Sumatran tiger is […]
Black Rhinos 2 comments
Black rhinos used to chill all over sub-Saharan Africa, but nowadays they are on the verge of extinction due to poaching. What a sad world we live in when we humans will kill off an entire species just for fun and to feed our stupidities. The main reason to kill these guys is for their […]