Nom Nom Nom Cuisses de Grenouille is SAUTÉED FROGS’ LEGS for you non foodie types. I know what you are thinking… “What the fuck is that about?” Well, back when I used to travel one of my favorite things was going around to restaurants in various cities and trying all the yummy and sometimes odd […]
Archive for the ‘Yabber Jabber Blabber’ Category
Cuisses de Grenouille 1 comment
Atomic Tangerine Twist Leave a comment
I got this new FLUID hot press paper I wanted to try out and had no idea what to do on it. I often end up doing these weird surreal dancer / yoga type images when I have no idea what to do for some reason and want to fiddle with new media. For this […]
One more kiss babe Leave a comment
So I was in a totally retro art mood and my wife was being pretty cool (scratching my head and saying nice stuff, etc..) lately so I got this idea to do a little bit of ME ME ME type art. I went with a retro comic / graphic novel / pulp art combo to […]
iPhone & iPod Skins & Cases Leave a comment
Figured you all could handle a shameless plug for my artworks on iPhone & iPod Skins & Cases via Society6 Skins are thin, easy-to-remove, vinyl decals for customizing your device. Skins are made from a patented material that eliminates air bubbles and wrinkles for easy application. Slim Cases are constructed as a one-piece, impact resistant, […]
Clairise Leave a comment
Clairise is her name… This was painted in 2004. I dug it out of storage and I found written in ink pen on the back… Clairise ~ A soul not black, Not evil or cruel, A soul so empty, devoid of cares. Not impressed with my words or the painting, but I do remember that […]
Theodor Seuss Geisel homage 2 comments
Theodor Seuss Geisel aka Dr. Seuss aka Dr. Theophrastus Seuss aka Theo LeSieg aka Rosetta Stone was one of the coolest cats of the last century. A master of propaganda, a fighter of the good fight, a defender of the defenseless, and a teller of great tales. A marvelous artist indeed. This cool cat who […]
Razor Leave a comment
This is actually an untitled Zombie Doll painting. I’m calling it “Razor” because that is what I used for the remix title for prints. So sharp, so perfect, able to cut so smoothly that you can’t even feel any pain, yet at the same time cut so deep that the wound may be your undoing. […]