Expressive painting encapsulated by defined lines. Style dictated by my decision to base the design elements on traditional American-styled tattoo art.
Original is 16″ x 20″ on stretched canvas. I’ll skip the babbling about this one…
Just a scribble of a crow, or maybe a raven… they look the same unless I detail it out, and then only from certain angles and when doing certain things can those distinguishing details be made clear… yup. scribble scribble. Pigma pens on a regular sheet of 8.5″ x 11″ paper.
Since crows and ravens are my jam, and people dig my scribbles as much as my finished artwork for some reason I have uploaded this to Redbubble where you can get it as a little print, a sticker, or a magnet, or even a coffee cup. You can check it out and get yourself this cribble HERE.
24″ wide x 18″ high acrylic on stretched canvas. The title is Triumphant Submission. When I started it I had something in mind of a sexual rapture… It ended up sitting unfinished for 6 days between my first and second painting sessions on it though, and I guess my mood had changed so the painting did as well. Even so, there is a bit of that rapture left in it. Paintings of this type really are best if done all at once. Start to completion without interruption, holding the same moods, thoughts, and feelings in hand… and putting them on the canvas with the brush. Life doesn’t always allow that though. This painting is a blend of thoughts and moods because of that. Maybe though that is good. I hate being interrupted, but new things are created because of those interruptions. New things are good, new experiences, feelings, combinations… growth.
Triumphant Submission, full of ecstasy, bliss, rapture… dionysian, a ménage à trois gone right, the perfect threesome, a third eye sacred sexual moment… yeah, F if I know.
Another one of my ballet-themed pieces for you ballet lovers… I’m calling this one Wolfsbane pas de deux. This painting is 16″ wide x 20″ high on stretched canvas.
Here we have our black feathered friend with an air of triumph and majesty. He has found the shiniest of shiny things and is now a king of his kind. They do love their shiny things.
Humans love their shiny things as well. We too look at each other with a mental hierarchy in place. If only ours was as simple as that of the corvids. Strength, age, cunning, intelligence, and treasures come into play… so similar, but we humans mess it all up. We add things unneeded.
Artistic Flow is my (Aarron Laidig's) personal art blog. This is not my catalog or one of my studio pages.
If you are seeking my art catalog it is located here.
I no longer maintain a section or site devoted to my photography, but if you know my work and wish to inquire please feel free to contact me via my contact form.