Amethyst in the glow is the title for this 12″ x 12″ acrylic on stretched canvas painting. You can get prints (and a few other choice items) featuring this ballerina painting via my Society6 portfolio.
Archive for the ‘dancing’ Tag
Amethyst in the glow Leave a comment
Dreams of the big city Leave a comment
I really had no intention of making any sort of posts for the rest of the month because I am extremely backed up on client art. Overwhelmed would be a better description. I felt I must however make some sort of post today though because it is National Dance Day today and I have been […]
Belladonna Dancing
This is a digitally altered photo. The photo was taken during the fabulous little ballerina’s recital. The fabulous little dancer is none other than my daughter. It is her second year of ballet. Click the pic to see it larger. You can get prints and cards via Red Bubble.