Some guys have foot fetishes and some literally hate feet. I personally go back and forth, but always appreciate nice feet on a gal. Pretty feet are awesome. The problem arises for some foot fetishists though that many women with nice tootsies don’t get it, don’t get into it, and don’t understand it. The flipside […]
Archive for the ‘Prints’ Tag
Steph’s Feet Leave a comment
Red erotic fantasy sizzle Leave a comment
So I made a new sexy sizzle. I used my amazing title abilities to come up with “Red erotic fantasy sizzle.” Yes, I was making fun of how I title things. This was almost called “untitled sizzle 12102013,” but I decided to get a bit wild. Anyways… I made it starting from an original small […]
Untitled 10102013 Leave a comment
This bit of art is called “Untitled 10102013.” That is right my friends… I have once again not titled a painting. I shall not rant about titles today however. I shall let the subject lay low in the bog of my mind. So, without further adieu… Untitled 10102013 This painting is acrylic on canvas and […]
The weirdling flower child Leave a comment
This drawing was inspired by a girl I once knew. She was for all outward appearances a free loving and joyful flower child who worked at spreading the idea of peace, harmony, and a love of nature. Her flip-side was that her very harsh and messed up childhood left her with a deep depression she […]
Couple new sketchy gals Leave a comment
I uploaded a couple of new pen and ink figure sketches to my Sketchy Stuff section of Imagekind today. First is this fun little sketch that I never gave a title. Then we have Steph # 3 Yes… I’m putting effort into titles for my sketches as usual. For me part of the concept of […]
Sizzle Sizzle Leave a comment
I made this fun paste up as a promo for my Erotic Art Sizzles today. I thought it was very fun. I wished to include more examples on it, but it was already getting a bit out of hand. You can of course see them all Here. If your not familiar with my sizzles, they […]
Love through the storms Leave a comment
When it rains it pours I have heard it said. It certainly holds true in my experience. Love, lust, passion…these things can weather the storms if strong enough and true. The art above was done with ink and watercolors on 9″ x 12″ cold-press. (click the pick to see it larger) The next image is […]