Tutti Fucking Fruity Ice Cream cone tattoo done on a cousin of mine as a homage to her father’s humor and their relationship. Her father (My uncle) passed away and I gotta say this is a great one for him. He was overall one of my favorite people, and also a big stress causer on […]
Archive for the ‘random tattoo phone pics’ Tag
Tutti Fucking Fruity Ice Cream
Random Cubist Raven Tattoo Leave a comment
It’s a random cubist raven tattoo.No particular reason to post it except I thought I should post something for some reason today. This was the first tattoo that popped up in the file I opened. I did a few of these recently. I enjoy them. They look cool, and I dig ravens and crows. Most […]
Northern Lights Tattoo Leave a comment
This is actually the cap of a sleeve I recently finished, and the lower half is in blackwork with the top being this. That is why the eagle is not in color. So, yeah, a random tattoo phone pic. Not the best pic, but a really cool piece to do as it is fun doing […]
Gadsden Snake Tattoos Leave a comment
I did a bunch of these last month (Sept 2023) because I wanted to do them. Some colored them yellow, some stuck with just black. My reason’s were many, but mostly it is because I believe liberty is the most important thing to have in a society, and this little snake is a symbol that […]
One shot freshie peonies Leave a comment
Rant time! I must remember to never do reverse image searches on my work. Every time I do I end up pissed and start putting Huge watermarks on my pictures of paintings, drawings, and tattoos. Thieves! So many thieves, and they are often not in countries where you can do anything about it. Then if […]
Random evil undead Leave a comment
Ran into this tattoo picture in a mixed file and have zero clue when I did it, but I do actually remember who it was on. The oddity in that is I remember the person, but not the actual application or when. Suppose it doesn’t matter, but it made me decide to post it. Besides […]
No Head Tattoo Leave a comment
Random tattoo phone picture because I just had the thought “I have not posted a tattoo in a bit, and I told myself I would. I just dumped last months photos from my phone to the pc, and I scrolled… this was the first tattoo I noticed. Winner winner chicken…. yeah yeah, random is the […]