It’s a mini! You may click the pic to see it larger and read a bit about it. I apologize for the cruddy pic, but even with the advancement of cell phones it seems the cameras sometimes suck.
Archive for the ‘Tattoo Clients’ Tag
Mini Pinup Leave a comment
Just F’n around
This is one of those things that just happen sometimes. I was screwing around in Photoshop with a charcoal sketch I had made and came up with this bit of fun. Click the image to see it bigger and read some notes. The original sketch is a bit of a parody. I am often […]
Mercy & Grace
Mercy and grace… From– mer·cy (mûrs) n. pl. mer·cies 1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one’s power; clemency. 2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving: a heart full of mercy. 3. Something for which to be thankful; a blessing: It was a mercy that no one was hurt. 4. Alleviation of distress; […]
Tattoos are an art-form that moves. That is one of the coolest things about it. Paintings and drawings are seen by many a person when hung in a gallery, and sometimes when shown in a private residence when the collector is social, but the audience is always limited. Tattoos go everywhere. People of all walks […]
Foxy Vine Maple Leave a comment
Sometimes I get to do some very fun tattoos. Sometimes I have rock’n clients that always want really fun tattoos. The guy who has this is one of those people, and all his tattoos have been very fun to do. Basically he gives me his theme, his wishes as to specifics that must be involved, […]
Koi and Red Region updates Leave a comment
I detest the idea of updating tattoo galleries on my studio site. That is why is sitting half put together the last couple years since I closed the studio. Updating tattoo galleries is boring and I always think about the fact that it does nothing for me except make people stop asking if I […]
Groovy WTF is it tattoo. Leave a comment
I have no idea what the heck this image is from. The guy who has the tattoo stopped in the other day though and I thought it was cool/weird enough to warrant me taking a quick picture with my phone. I did the tattoo maybe a year or two before and now that I am looking at it here […]