This one was something I did without really having anything in mind when I started. I just kinda started scratching away on the paper while thinking about a certain girl and let a vision form. After I had a rough sketchy drawing I applied some drawing fluid and let it dry before doing some watercolor […]
Archive for the ‘water media’ Tag
Untitled ink and watercolor Leave a comment
Sexual Disco Leave a comment
The title of this erotic ink and watercolor artwork is “Sexual Disco.” (click on the image to see it larger and read a bit about the title) This seemed a perfect first post for 2013 to me because it has a bit of a New Years Party type vibe to me. I personally didn’t go […]
Love through the storms Leave a comment
When it rains it pours I have heard it said. It certainly holds true in my experience. Love, lust, passion…these things can weather the storms if strong enough and true. The art above was done with ink and watercolors on 9″ x 12″ cold-press. (click the pick to see it larger) The next image is […]
A goddess viewed by humans
Title = “Demeter in the view of mortals” Demeter was in myth the goddess of the harvest. She controlled the fertility of the land and was worshiped for giving of the foods that grew. Demeter also presided also over the sanctity of marriage and the kept the cycles of life and death. She and her […]
Old Sketch Books 2 comments
I was hunting around for some watercolor paper the other day and came across a watercolor sketch book from the mid 2000’s. It was just some random small book that I doodled in back then. I have always had such things as far back as I can remember and have lost hundreds of them over […]
One of those moments
Title = “One of those moments” (click image to see a larger version) Watercolor washes and a few pigma pens are what I used to make this one. I half love it and half hate it. The composition and colors are great in my mind, but I went a bit more realistic than I usually […]
Sketchy girly sexy stuff Leave a comment
No title for this as yet. (probably never will be) It is ink scribbles done with pigma pens and some light watercolor application. You can click the image to see it larger and read more about. (plus a mini rant)