A remix of an earlier design I did as part of my Zombie dolls series. It shall just be called “stitched up” for the sake of it needing a title on Redbubble. It is available as a T-shirt, on cards, phone cases, and stickers HERE.
Archive for the ‘Zombie Dolls’ Tag
Stitched up Leave a comment
Molly May Leave a comment
This one never actually had a title. A nameless zombie doll. It is now over a decade later and I am finally giving her a name. Molly May. Here is the digital remix I did of Molly May. Prints of the Remixed version can be had via Imagekind. Prints of the Original can be had […]
Michelle Leave a comment
My my my… My Michelle zombie doll remixed. This was zombie doll number 10 in this series of paintings. Named for the person who inspired it. I’d say more , but why possibly open a can of worms best left closed? Here is a link to a print of the original painting I did this […]
A non named zombie doll Leave a comment
O, be some other name! What’s in a name? that which we call a Zombie Doll By any other name would feed on a soul; Juliet Act II, Scene II, you know the play. Usually people just say “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” in reference to that line, but it […]
Clairise Leave a comment
Clairise is her name… This was painted in 2004. I dug it out of storage and I found written in ink pen on the back… Clairise ~ A soul not black, Not evil or cruel, A soul so empty, devoid of cares. Not impressed with my words or the painting, but I do remember that […]
Razor Leave a comment
This is actually an untitled Zombie Doll painting. I’m calling it “Razor” because that is what I used for the remix title for prints. So sharp, so perfect, able to cut so smoothly that you can’t even feel any pain, yet at the same time cut so deep that the wound may be your undoing. […]
Laura & Rebbekah Leave a comment
Two Zombie Dolls in one post. (Remixes included) Laura & Rebbekah First we have Laura. She was originally painted in 2004. On the back of this painting I wrote Laura ~ Cut away the history, all the things I’ve done for you. cut away the memories, Nothing left you need to do. How fucking deep […]